Monday, December 13, 2010


Well then....
You may have noticed a large gap in the last months.  Maybe you haven't.  Life got in the way and the little blog I wanted to start quickly fell by the wayside as did my time to read.  My actual job tends to send me around the world and one of my hobbies kept me insanely busy for the last couple months (see 
I am back though and I want to give this another try!  I did read "Under the Dome", but I don't want to comment on it now since it's been months since I did and my impressions are muddled.  I will read it again to finish what I started, but that will be in the future and I'll need some time, considering it's a loooooong book. 
So, in a quick closing and band-aid style pain relief, I'm sorry.
On with the show!

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